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你是否曾仔細看過自己的手腳指甲?指甲的形狀、表面的變化、顏色,都能透露最誠實的身體狀態、個人職業,生活習慣......小小一片指甲,可是很有意思的在傳遞我們身體的健康報告喔!全書精彩圖文,讓讀者朋友能易讀好懂如何觀察自己的手腳指甲,如有病變發生,也能在就醫時和醫師做充份的溝通討論。會透露出身體密碼的指甲,隨著醫療進步,越來越被關心,但大家對於指甲的認知幾乎是等於零,愛美無可厚非,但一些以訛傳訛、似是而非的錯誤觀概念,必須被矯正過來。這幾年指甲沙龍掀起了一陣風潮,在享受指甲彩繪和自行DIY的樂趣時,不妨仔細觀察的自己指甲,往往可發現隱藏其中的健康密碼。許多人吃了好幾個月的灰指甲藥都不見效,或是把指甲修太短造成難處理的慢性甲溝炎,指甲變黑到底是不是惡性變化? 這本書能讓您對自己的指甲健康有初步認識,了解最常見的指甲疾病,並提供診斷線索的實用指南。

你是否曾仔細看過自己的手腳指甲?指甲的形狀、表面的變化、顏色,都能透露最誠實的身體狀態、個人職業,生活習慣......小小一片指甲,可是很有意思的在傳遞我們身體的健康報告喔!全書精彩圖文,讓讀者朋友能易讀好懂如何觀察自己的手腳指甲,如有病變發生,也能在就醫時和醫師做充份的溝通討論。會透露出身體密碼的指甲,隨著醫療進步,越來越被關心,但大家對於指甲的認知幾乎是等於零,愛美無可厚非,但一些以訛傳訛、似是而非的錯誤觀概念,必須被矯正過來。這幾年指甲沙龍掀起了一陣風潮,在享受指甲彩繪和自行DIY的樂趣時,不妨仔細觀察的自己指甲,往往可發現隱藏其中的健康密碼。許多人吃了好幾個月的灰指甲藥都不見效,或是把指甲修太短造成難處理的慢性甲溝炎,指甲變黑到底是不是惡性變化? 這本書能讓您對自己的指甲健康有初步認識,了解最常見的指甲疾病,並提供診斷線索的實用指南。 楊志勛 現任:志勛皮膚科診所醫師長庚紀念醫院皮膚科兼任教授李勇毅現任:長庚大學講師台北長庚醫院主治醫師
  序生活中若沒了指甲,要比沒了頭髮更麻煩 / Eckart Haneke了解指甲了解健康 / 楊志勛透露身體密碼的指甲 / 李勇毅第一章  你是否細看過你的指甲小小一片指甲的大大學問指甲板 / 指甲基質 生長面(甲根)/ 指緣上皮 / 甲床 / 指甲月牙 這些變了形的指甲指甲很粗糙 / 指甲向上彎 / 指甲像鐵錘 / 指甲有凹槽 / 指甲很脆弱 / 指甲斷層 / 指甲坑坑洞洞 不是彩繪的指甲變色指甲變白 /不規則的點狀白點 /橫向規則排列的白線 / 由前向後延伸的白直線 / 橫向白線 / 指甲全白化 / 指面變灰白合併表面粗糙 / 波浪狀的白色線條 / 指甲變綠 / 指甲變黃 / 全部指甲都變黃 / 指甲出現黃線條 / 指甲變紅 / 指甲出現黃線條 / 指甲變黑 / 長條狀縱向指甲黑色線條 / 不規則黑色、大塊「指甲下瘀血」/ 紅色線狀出血第二章  灰指甲先有香港腳,黴菌再順著腳趾皮膚入侵灰指甲的特徵 / 最常被誤診為灰指甲的「捲甲」為什麼不直接把指甲拔掉使用「二氧化碳飛梭雷射」或「汽化性雷射」治療 / 改善減少潮濕環境是防堵黴菌的最好方法
第三章  甲溝炎手指甲溝炎最常見原因是過度碰水 / 急性感染甲溝炎須控制感染 / 徹底治療才能治癒慢性甲溝炎腳趾的甲溝炎最常造成腳趾甲溝炎是腳趾甲修剪過短 / 甲溝炎的指甲該怎麼剪 / 腳趾甲溝炎的治療 / 拔側面部分指甲 / 拔除部分指甲+指甲基質局部破壞 / 電燒或是二氧化碳雷射 / 液態氮冷凍治療 / 硝酸銀治療 / 手術處置 / 矯正指甲  第四章  美甲的背後問題關於指甲油,你了解多少指甲油其實類似「油漆」/ 卸除指甲油的「去光水」/ 硬甲油 / 指甲油化學溶劑產生的過敏指甲決定你的好人緣指甲的修剪 / 指甲也要保濕 / 指甲保養第五章  指甲雜症        鉗甲指甲變厚變灰,側面捲曲嚴重 / 鉗甲的治療甲床剝離,指甲下面空掉了甲床分離的原因 / 甲床分離症拖越久,治癒機會越來越少門診病人常見的疑惑指甲下總有層汙垢 / 指甲化濃 / 指甲倒插 / 指甲皰診感染 / 病毒疣感染 / 指甲雞眼 / 咬指甲,摳指甲的壞習慣 / 指甲旁的「皮膚倒刺」/ 指甲腫瘤 / 化膿性肉芽腫 / 纖維瘤 / 黏性囊腫 / 脈絡球瘤 / 指甲下硬骨增生 / 惡性鱗狀細胞癌  / 複型第六小趾甲 / 老人指甲附  錄 指甲異常外觀和全身性疾病關聯
  生活中若沒了指甲,要比沒了頭髮更麻煩Eckart Haneke
The nails represent functionally and aesthetically very important cutaneous appendages. Although often seen as the little brother of hair and being of lesser importance life without nails is much harder than without hair. Wigs are available in all sizes and colours at virtually all prices but nothing similar can be bought even for a lot of money. Hair  can be hidden under a hat or scarf but the hands and fingers and their nails are virtually always visible.
The nail starts developing with the formation of the limbs at the 8th to 9th week of gestation. Its development depends on the concerted action of many growth and signalling factors, and only one lacking or one false signal will make normal nail development impossible. Much research has concentrated on hair and it turned out that nail development is even more complex. It is not surprising that so many ectodermal dysplasia syndromes are associated with nail deformations.
Recent research has shown the close and intimate reltionship  of the musculo-skeletal system with the nail unit. Some rheumatologists now call the nail a musculo-skeletal appendage and explain part of the psoriatic nail changes with their close anatomic relationship with the bone and joint of the distal phalanx refuting the long-held anticipation of the nail changes as being immuno-mediated.
最近的研究顯示,指甲單元與肌肉骨骼系統有非常重要的關係。有些風濕免疫學的專家現在把指甲歸類為肌肉骨骼的附屬物,並認為部分乾癬性指甲的變化是因為指甲與遠端手指骨及關節的構造十分靠近,所以造成乾癬指甲變形。 As a cutaneous appendage, the nail apparatus may react with the skin and demonstrate a number of nail changes, many of which are specific allowing the correct diagnosis to be made, but even more are less or non-specific and have to be seen with the corresponding dermatosis. When no accompanying skin lesions are present a correct diagnosis is even more difficult to reach and often requires a biopsy and expert histopathological diagnosis. This touches another difficult area: nail surgery.
Nail surgery is an integral part of dermatologic surgery. Although many patients primarily consult surgeons because „they can do everything“ even plastic and hand surgeons usually have only rudimentary knowledge of the nail’s biology, physiology, growth pattern, normal and pathologic anatomy and histopathology. Therefore, their foremost diagnostic-therapeutic approach is often nail avulsion, which by itself is almost never a treatment. It is self-evident that nail surgery requires in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the nail and it is the dermatologist who takes time and all efforts to learn this. Unfortunately, the huge number of mal-treated ingrown toenails with permanent mutilation of the bit toe gives strong evidence that this situation has not really changed to the better. And here we are at another important issue: function and aesthetics.
Finger and toe nails have important functions for the protection of the distal phalanx, which in turn is a very important sensory organ, a most versatile tool and a weapon for defence and to scratch. For the great toe, the nail exerts counter-pressure for the soft tissue of the toe tip and thus prevents it from being heaped up and dorsally disclocated; thus the big toenail even adds to the safety of gait. Malformed finger nails are embarrassing and may cause considerable concern. In our world of youth and well-being, healthy good-looking nails are important features.
Finally, the nails may reflect general health as was already mentioned by Hipokrates more then 2000 years ago when he noted that clubbed fingers were associated with serious pulmonary and heart problems.
An up-to-date nail book in Chinese is overdue. The authors are reputed experts in this field that unfortunately was a bit neglected for many years. I hope that this book will be a great success in all respects.
