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The invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures

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我曾經是個名叫雨果‧卡柏瑞的男孩, 當時我深信一個毀損的機器人會拯救我的命運…… 在巴黎火車站的二十七座時鐘後頭,在火車站牆內的暗窄通道裡,十二歲的男孩雨果一直過著不為人知的祕密生活。  孤兒、守鐘人和小偷──雨果以為自己終將以這三重身分悲慘的生活下去,甚至再也無法踏出這座車站……除非,他能修好那個會寫字的機器人!  雨果的爸爸才剛過世不久,他生前是個鐘錶匠,曾在工作的博物館裡發現一個機器人:一個栩栩如生的人偶!這個機器人偶坐在小書桌前,手裡握著筆,似乎隨時都準備傳達訊息。自從雨果看了機器人後,這男孩就跟他父親一樣、全心全意想讓這個機器人再度運作;雨果的爸爸甚至將畫有機器人內部機件的筆記本交給他。  雨果相信,只要修好機器人,一定可以讀見爸爸預留的訊息,明白自己今後將何去何從。 為了修理機器人,這個男孩三番兩次偷取車站玩具店裡的發條玩具,以便拆解出更多適合機器人的零件。沒想到,卻因此引出更複雜、甚至深具意義的祕密!這個男孩的命運,出其不意的和擁有玩具店的老人、機伶的女孩伊莎貝兒交纏在一起。  魔術、電影、夢想……隨著電影運鏡般的鉛筆畫畫面,文字、插畫和照片交替上演,故事情節如同機器人的齒輪和機件,越來越錯綜複雜…… 本書中文版《雨果的秘密》由東方出版社出版 ORPHAN, CLOCK KEEPER, AND THIEF, Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. But when his world suddenly interlocks with an eccentric, bookish girl and a bitter old man who runs a toy booth in the station, Hugo's undercover life, and his most precious secret, are put in jeopardy. A cryptic drawing, a treasured notebook, a stolen key, a mechanical man, and a hidden message from Hugo's dead father form the backbone of this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.

In addition to The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick is the illustrator of the Caldecott Honor winner, The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, and The New York Times Best Illustrated Walt Whitman: Words for America, both by Barbara Kerley, as well as the Sibert Honor Winner When Marian Sang, by Pam Munoz Ryan, and numerous other celebrated picture books and novels. Brian has also worked as a set designer and a puppeteer. When he isn’t traveling to promote his work all over the world, he lives in San Diego, California, and Brooklyn, New York.
